Bibliography by Samantha Urena

Annotated Bibliography Assignment


By Samantha Urena - Team 3a


1. Blake, Robert W. “Poets on Poetry: The Morality of Poetry” The English Journal, Vol. 81, No. 1 (Jan., 1992), pp. 16-20 Stable URL:


As the title of this article implies, Blake is addressing the morality of poetry. He is addressing the need for poetry. He begins by explaining that so many in our culture today do not understand poetry's place. Poems are studied in school, yes, but teachers imply to their students that their meaning is inaccessible to the untrained mind; that one must study and study before he or she can truly enjoy. He finds this view destructive. Instead, people should understand that poetry is a "way of learning and knowing". He explains that poetry comes before rational thinking and abstract thought. He claims that we have become a culture overtaken by scientific thought and this is problematic in a number of ways. One way is that a person begins to believe there are only absolutes in life; that every answer can be approached by a set of math equations. Reading becomes a test of comprehension rather than "aesthetic, emotional recreation". Blake explains that poetry is a way of witnessing - not because we witness it, but because it witnesses us. It is also a way of seeing into another person's culture and thereby becoming a part of it, even in the smallest of ways.


2. Dorris, Michael. “Home” The Threepenny Review, No. 54 (Summer, 1993), pp. 16-17

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Dorris addresses contemporary America's notion of home in this article. Dorris notes in his article that in this modern age, where people come from is rarely where they stay. "What do you call home" is a question that one will get asked all throughout his or her lifetime, and the answer will probably change many times throughout his or her life. This was not the case for people in most of history. The ambiguity about home is something that has been borne out of contemporary America because for so many other cultures, their "locus is inflexible, often coterminous with family membership". This "casual mobility" changes all guidelines creates the oxymoron of a "new home". Because home has become an abstract idea, it brings with it a series of questions the individual must wrestle. Dorris argues that "home" and "permanent" are no longer synonymous and if one believes otherwise, they are living an illusion. But because home has become this complex idea rather than a simple standard, it more clearly matches the nature of human life. Human life is "complex and dynamic" and it "requires frequent re-adjustment, compromise, and ingenuity". Identifying home then becomes a process that one must engage with and address throughout their experiences in the entirety of their lives.


3. Goba, Ronald J. “Poetry and the Senses” The Clearing House, Vol. 44, No. 3 (Nov., 1969), pp. 149-151 Stable URL:


Goba begins his article arguing that there are, in fact, generalization we can make about poetry that lead us to a more comprehensible understanding of poetry. He explains that the individual should not be intimated by the reading or writing of poetry; that poetry is simply the "ordinary man reacting in an ordinary way to life. What is special about the poet himself is that he uses words in such a way to stir up life within the ordinary man. This article is aimed towards the person who desires to get the high school student into poetry. Goba explains that the way of doing this is to get the high school student to see that 1. poetry is ordinary and 2. that he can write poetry. The way showing him or her these two things is by reminding them of the five senses to remind him or her that all humans "share a common way of knowing". Poets consistently use "ordinary sensory experience to make an extra-ordinary statement". Goba takes a T.S. Eliot poem as an example and breaks down his use of sensory words. Goba uses the remainder of the article to explain how to walk a high school student through the process of writing poetry themselves.


4. Krystine Irene Batcho. “Nostalgia and the Emotional Tone and Content of Song Lyrics” American Journal of Psychology, Vol. 120, No. 3 (Fall, 2007) pp. 361-381

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Batcho opens her article with expressing a series of questions: What is the purpose served by nostalgic reminiscence about our past, both solitary and social? Are their distinct characteristics of nostalgic memories, and do more nostalgic people process emotional stimuli differently than do less nostalgic people?  According to different studies, recalling the past for post-college graduates help them "maintain a coherent identity amid the constant flux of life events". Nostalgia is distinct from reminiscence: reminiscence is the act of remembering the past and nostalgia as the bittersweet affect that accompanies certain memories. Batcho lists what other writers have found when they research nostalgia: that it "helps the young adult cope with the loss of idealized childhood", it helps a person "adapt to the discontinuity in life", that it can "restore a sense of self-identity", that it "enhanced continuity of identity" among people groups, and so on. Most agree that the "distinctive emotional character of nostalgia is bittersweet - a mix of sadness and wistful joy". Batcho makes a point to explain that nostalgia is understood so little because there is a lack of empirical investigation, but then goes on to explain what research has been done in recent years. One common misunderstanding that was addressed was what disposition nostalgic people generally have; as it turns out, nostalgic persons have the capacity to "feel intensely and for whom other people are a high priority". Batcho then researched what the relationship was to personal nostalgia and perceived affect in songs. The rest of the article is addressing this research.


5. Reynolds, Nedra. “Ethos as Location: New Sites for Understanding Discursive Authority” Rhetoric Review, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 325-338 Stable URL:


Reynolds opens with a small piece written by James Joyce and another by Adrienne Rich where they both use the same rhetorical strategy to make a point: the point that location and the individual are tied. They begin with the individual and then move outwards into the social realm. This encourages the notion that "identity is formed through negotiations with social institutions". Reynolds explains that the relationship between the individual and location is crucial to understanding the rhetorical concept of ethos. Her argument is centered first around the etymology of ethic and then onto issues of community and marginality. Ultimately, Reynolds gets to today's understanding of ethos which is "a social act and a product of a community's character", but it is also possible for the individual to have ethos. An individual's ethos is determined inside "the space in which it was created" and with a "sense of the cultural context". At the root of the meaning of "ethos" is both "gathering" and "meeting". Reynolds explains that our sight and our location is never representative of all experience, but it representative of our own experience. She explains that one is limited by their location, but that does not block anyone from knowing truth. Reynolds explains how ethos is directly affect by the place a writer comes from - whether that's a physical location, a social context, or a mindset.